finally, some explanation
I'll keep this short because I was kindly informed by Chris that I "bitched at him for 10 minutes" and apparently he was too much of a wuss to listen to more ~_^. Right, so anyway, Sunday's show was a big deal because they have it professionally taped and you can buy the tape from the studio. For hiphop class this year we did a Michael Jackson medley with six songs mixed together. It is the biggest and best routine in the entire recital-- just believe me. But two songs into the routine,
the music changes
Most of us are heading off stage while there is a duet, and all of the sudden they are on the wrong song. Those poor, poor girls... so after a half-second panic, they start doing the dance to the song that is playing (It's still an MJ song that we use in the medley, but not their duet song). We are barely offstage, panicking the hell out of ourselves because we are supposed to be in this dance, but we are in the wrong spaces and don't have the right costume change. Also, none of us know if we should go on stage or not. So it ends up half of us go on at one part, and the other at another part. Anyway, somehow the audio person managed to just play each song just once and amazingly enough, my performance (personally) was flawless-- I hit all my turns and leaps and everything.
Well you'd think that it was okay because there was only one breach in our music, but seriously it just went WRONG. I mean, Karen (the studio's founder/owner) is coming down to our dressing room and sayin', "Oh, it's okay, the audience didn't notice," and we're sitting there thinkin', "WHO THE FUCK CARES IF THEY NOTICE OR NOT??" I mean seriously, if it's wrong it's wrong and it doesn't matter if anyone catches the mistake, because you know you screwed up and you could have done better! And there was this huuuuuuuuuge argument about when we could do the dance again and if we could and how we could which was probably the most stress I've ever had in a 3-minute period, but that would take forever to explain and I'm sure you don't want to hear it so let's just say it was bad. But in the end... the tape will come out okay. Tracy and Karen? We'll find out next year.
a wedding! finally!
My dad is the youngest kid in a family of 8 kids so I missed out on all my uncle/aunts' weddings (and most of my older cousins who are like 40 now..). However, now my cousin Charlie is getting married and I get to go! =) To make it better, it's in the beginning of July so I get to stay in the US until then! And even better, it's in
Boston, where I can go see Limie and maybe Peter too!
anything else?
11 days of actual classes left (14 days of just going to school), band is done, dance is done, chorus is done... I get to be a bum! A bum with shitloads of homework!! ... score?