the xanga experiment - test phase 1
Yes, I've given in. At least for a little bit. I'm re-entering the realm of Xanga. I also made it prettier. It's brighter, so maybe it'll keep me afloat now that the sun sets at FUCKING 4:30 PM!!!
So, if you're gonna miss my blogspot, I'll just preview you on the next two months:
1) Today we ordered a Prius. The waiting list is 6ish months (but possibly earlier), he said. If my mommy approves, then we will order from a different dealership where the waiting list will (hopefully) only be 2 weeks.
2) School is eating out my brain. This will continue to be true for quite some time... so don't worry all that much about that status.
3) Major seasonary awareness syndrome-- I have issues with cloudiness.
4) I wanna go to St. Louis for Thanksgiving... ::sigh::
5) License on Dec 17. Jamaica on Dec 18. TAF new years on Jan 1. Seriously... why does the next month even need to exist?
So long for a bit!
deet deet dede deet dedeet!
On Dateline tonight...
Yay 8th grade CCLA project! I miss it =( I miss smuggling the camera and computer out of school. I miss watching Catie eat 20 white castles at Mary's house. I had no intention about talking about this in this post but I had to come up with a random opening line.
Anyway, I'm having major post baseball depression drawback sickness. I mean, I'll sit here and refresh as much as I want but yeah the season's definitely over. In other news, Peter and I invented the Red Cubs (or the Blue Sox... but then its too much like the White Sox... so I shot it). We are hella good. But we couldn't decide on V-tek/Barrett. So we bickered then put both in.
I crave FREEDOM. This past week all I did was mope. I miss my optimism. What happened to it? And then I watched My Sassy Girl and then I bawled my eyes out. Guess that wasn't a great idea if I really wanted to feel better. I think I might feel better this week. I think. I hope. Actually, I figure if I tell myself I'm feeling good, then I will. So yes, this week will be a good week.
I think.
On Dateline tonight...
Yay 8th grade CCLA project! I miss it =( I miss smuggling the camera and computer out of school. I miss watching Catie eat 20 white castles at Mary's house. I had no intention about talking about this in this post but I had to come up with a random opening line.
Anyway, I'm having major post baseball depression drawback sickness. I mean, I'll sit here and refresh as much as I want but yeah the season's definitely over. In other news, Peter and I invented the Red Cubs (or the Blue Sox... but then its too much like the White Sox... so I shot it). We are hella good. But we couldn't decide on V-tek/Barrett. So we bickered then put both in.
I crave FREEDOM. This past week all I did was mope. I miss my optimism. What happened to it? And then I watched My Sassy Girl and then I bawled my eyes out. Guess that wasn't a great idea if I really wanted to feel better. I think I might feel better this week. I think. I hope. Actually, I figure if I tell myself I'm feeling good, then I will. So yes, this week will be a good week.
I think.