dAym... since when did everyone find my xanga??
So I find out today that the "Sites I Read" button on Xanga actually SHOWS you the sites you read... like, the latest posts of everyone. And the latest subscribers. Okay, since when did my sister's friends start looking at my blog?? And why does no one comment? lol. I have a question... how do you get all your posts on Xanga to be private except one or two? Do I have to go through all of them and hit the private button, because if so, screw it... my xanga goes all the way back to September.
For your birthday, I'm getting you mugged... I mean, a mug.
why is it saturday...
In one day I will be back to school. Chinese school, at least. And then regular school. I don't think I can make it guys... I'm such a lazy bum!!! I was supposed to spend time on homework today... maybe study for the end-of-the-year Algebra II test that will determine if I have to take the course over again next year (shit no... if I fail this test I'm gonna have to hurt someone.) But noooo apparently I'm incapable of working... I swear, you're not the only one with ADD Peter!!!
RIP ... the streak... =*(
boys are icky.... throw rocks at them!!!
The creator of that notebook must have been a genius!! [back cover: "... don't forget to aim."] I wanted to get it but I a) was broke, b) didn't have much use for it, c) am still broke. Very, very broke. Anyway, I went to Woodfield today with Elissa, Annie, and Jen... and walked around for 6 full hours. Shopping must be the healthiest excercise for your body and mind
I had basically no money after I got Annie and Elissa birthday presents... I had enough to get a red zip-up sweater from Charlotte Russe for $5 (FIVE... really!!) so I could randomly wear it with outfits to match with my red shoes... Because red shoes are awesome!! Yeah, so it was tons of fun... TAF lurv guyz!
hyi-lay hyi-luh... AH NAY AH??? dieu, dieu...
bombs over baghdad...
So, some of you guys might have noticed the lack of any blurbs on the war in here. This is mostly because the reality of it all hasn't struck me that hard yet-- you can probably tell, since every time I watch the news and look at the captions I can't help thinkin' "don't plan to bang unless you plan to hit somethin..." It sounds insensitive but I'm really not hit by the war at all since all it is is pictures on the TV of things happening half the world away. I think it's partially because I've never lived through a war either, and I don't know how it feels to be in one. Of course my thoughts are on our soldiers and the Iraqi civilians but I can't say that my life changed when the war started.
My opinions on the whole thing? I don't really have one. I'm not pro or anti war. But I do think that it's unethical for antiwar protestors to keep disrupting cities and towns during their marches. Really, is there any way to make the soldiers feel worse?? It's basically telling them that they shouldn't be there, and they are fighting for nothing. Sure, it's not necessarily their choice, but if they're doing it we could at least give them support, right? It must be disheartening to know that people in your own country aren't appreciating you risking your life for them (even if that puts it kind of harshly). Another thought... shouldn't the protestors be arrested?? I mean, I know there's the 1st Amendment and the right to peaceful assembly. But the march that went down Lake Shore Drive this past weekend wasn't peaceful... it was disruptful. I'd think that they'd be charged with disruption of peace or something like that. I don't know much about laws so I'm not gonna bitch about it... I thought it was rude of them to do that though.
I guess my thoughts aren't really organized about the war... but I wish the best for our (and Britain's) soldiers, and all the innocent Iraqis...
The creator of that notebook must have been a genius!! [back cover: "... don't forget to aim."] I wanted to get it but I a) was broke, b) didn't have much use for it, c) am still broke. Very, very broke. Anyway, I went to Woodfield today with Elissa, Annie, and Jen... and walked around for 6 full hours. Shopping must be the healthiest excercise for your body and mind
bombs over baghdad...
So, some of you guys might have noticed the lack of any blurbs on the war in here. This is mostly because the reality of it all hasn't struck me that hard yet-- you can probably tell, since every time I watch the news and look at the captions I can't help thinkin' "don't plan to bang unless you plan to hit somethin..." It sounds insensitive but I'm really not hit by the war at all since all it is is pictures on the TV of things happening half the world away. I think it's partially because I've never lived through a war either, and I don't know how it feels to be in one. Of course my thoughts are on our soldiers and the Iraqi civilians but I can't say that my life changed when the war started.
My opinions on the whole thing? I don't really have one. I'm not pro or anti war. But I do think that it's unethical for antiwar protestors to keep disrupting cities and towns during their marches. Really, is there any way to make the soldiers feel worse?? It's basically telling them that they shouldn't be there, and they are fighting for nothing. Sure, it's not necessarily their choice, but if they're doing it we could at least give them support, right? It must be disheartening to know that people in your own country aren't appreciating you risking your life for them (even if that puts it kind of harshly). Another thought... shouldn't the protestors be arrested?? I mean, I know there's the 1st Amendment and the right to peaceful assembly. But the march that went down Lake Shore Drive this past weekend wasn't peaceful... it was disruptful. I'd think that they'd be charged with disruption of peace or something like that. I don't know much about laws so I'm not gonna bitch about it... I thought it was rude of them to do that though.
I guess my thoughts aren't really organized about the war... but I wish the best for our (and Britain's) soldiers, and all the innocent Iraqis...
revelation: when a clothing care tag says "do not iron", it really means do not iron...
But they were wrinkly!! So I was trying to steam them... which wasn't really working. So I said, screw it, what can happen if I just do it a little bit? I thought it might damage the fabric a little, but not a lot. Wow, I'm bright. So, I now have a large hole in the knee of one of my favorite pants. Great! Well, I sewed it up a bit and it looks normal when I'm just walking around. Come to think of it, I don't care that much, since there's already a seam running thru the middle. Maybe if I sew the other side it'll look okay...
revelation: if life hates you, saying the words "i dont think it can get worse" is not a smart thing to do...
Two days ago it was 3 down, 2 to go. On my right hand, that is. First, I got my hand scraped against the Science room door. This is due mostly to the dumbass-ness of the kids in our grade. I was leaving class and they thought it'd be great to shove the door at me... so first reaction of a door cmoin at me is to shove it back, and of course the kid thinks that everyone is below him so he doesn't see it coming. It hits him the face. Then one of his other friends steps in and shoves it back at me (wow.. original, yes?) while I was trying to squeeze past and it scratches the side of my middle finger. One down...
Then (out of my own stupidity) I cut my finger on the cardboard Pepsi box.... I told you I'm bright. After that, I scraped a piece of my thumb off on the vacuum's water tub thing. Okay, this I blame on the toilet. It was going screwy and there was water on the floor (yea... ew.) so I ran to get the vacuum and tried to get it to work, but the frickin tub wouldn't come off so I was prying at it and my thumb gets mangled. THEN, the NEXT day I'm steppin into the bathtub when my left pinky toe knocks into the siding and starts bleeding.. ::sigh:: and of course later i run into the side of my bed and kill my RIGHT pinky toe. Isn't it dandy...
revelation: in chicago, spring break doesn't really mean SPRING...
In fact, Chicago barely even gets spring at all. It usually goes straight from winter to summer. However, the school boards MUST know that if the average HIGH temperature in the middle of their proposed "spring break" is FIFTY DEGREES FARENHEIT, it really ISN'T spring now, is it?? So, we won't die from waiting another week or two, and I would MUCH rather have a spring break when it is... ::dun dun dun:: SPRING! Yesterday was the nicest it's gonna be all week... almost 70... I think I had a heart attack, lol. Anne, Elyse, and I were outside at 10pm trying to make backwards shots on Anne's basketball hoop. Too bad it's gonna be SNOW a week from now.
Oh, but screw the negativity... I still got a week left of break
But they were wrinkly!! So I was trying to steam them... which wasn't really working. So I said, screw it, what can happen if I just do it a little bit? I thought it might damage the fabric a little, but not a lot. Wow, I'm bright. So, I now have a large hole in the knee of one of my favorite pants. Great! Well, I sewed it up a bit and it looks normal when I'm just walking around. Come to think of it, I don't care that much, since there's already a seam running thru the middle. Maybe if I sew the other side it'll look okay...
revelation: if life hates you, saying the words "i dont think it can get worse" is not a smart thing to do...
Two days ago it was 3 down, 2 to go. On my right hand, that is. First, I got my hand scraped against the Science room door. This is due mostly to the dumbass-ness of the kids in our grade. I was leaving class and they thought it'd be great to shove the door at me... so first reaction of a door cmoin at me is to shove it back, and of course the kid thinks that everyone is below him so he doesn't see it coming. It hits him the face. Then one of his other friends steps in and shoves it back at me (wow.. original, yes?) while I was trying to squeeze past and it scratches the side of my middle finger. One down...
Then (out of my own stupidity) I cut my finger on the cardboard Pepsi box.... I told you I'm bright. After that, I scraped a piece of my thumb off on the vacuum's water tub thing. Okay, this I blame on the toilet. It was going screwy and there was water on the floor (yea... ew.) so I ran to get the vacuum and tried to get it to work, but the frickin tub wouldn't come off so I was prying at it and my thumb gets mangled. THEN, the NEXT day I'm steppin into the bathtub when my left pinky toe knocks into the siding and starts bleeding.. ::sigh:: and of course later i run into the side of my bed and kill my RIGHT pinky toe. Isn't it dandy...
revelation: in chicago, spring break doesn't really mean SPRING...
In fact, Chicago barely even gets spring at all. It usually goes straight from winter to summer. However, the school boards MUST know that if the average HIGH temperature in the middle of their proposed "spring break" is FIFTY DEGREES FARENHEIT, it really ISN'T spring now, is it?? So, we won't die from waiting another week or two, and I would MUCH rather have a spring break when it is... ::dun dun dun:: SPRING! Yesterday was the nicest it's gonna be all week... almost 70... I think I had a heart attack, lol. Anne, Elyse, and I were outside at 10pm trying to make backwards shots on Anne's basketball hoop. Too bad it's gonna be SNOW a week from now.
Oh, but screw the negativity... I still got a week left of break
hahahhaha... i had fun today =) i got to talk to my sister's friends on her screen name... lets get some samples here:
Don Mecca 829 (11:11:11 PM): my thong did get stuck in the washer
r0cKtHaPaRtY (11:11:16 PM): hahahahahahhahaa
Don Mecca 829 (11:11:24 PM): such a shame
r0cKtHaPaRtY (11:11:27 PM): so did anita's
Don Mecca 829 (11:11:29 PM): it was my favorite one too
r0cKtHaPaRtY (11:11:30 PM): you have so much in common
r0cKtHaPaRtY (11:11:31 PM): lmao
r0cKtHaPaRtY (11:11:33 PM): was it purple
r0cKtHaPaRtY (11:11:46 PM): and lilac
Don Mecca 829 (11:11:48 PM): yea it was
Don Mecca 829 (11:26:39 PM): did anita leave yet
Don Mecca 829 (11:26:40 PM): ?
r0cKtHaPaRtY (11:26:57 PM): no never
Don Mecca 829 (11:27:16 PM): is she trying to finish all the ben and jerry's ice cream herself again
r0cKtHaPaRtY (11:27:19 PM): hahahahahhahaa
r0cKtHaPaRtY (11:27:29 PM): yes... but the plan failed when she got it stuck in the washing machine
Madaldal915 (11:22:38 PM): finaklly found out ur home # huh . . .
r0cKtHaPaRtY (11:23:00 PM): what? i didnt change my number because i'm avoiding you!!!
r0cKtHaPaRtY (11:23:09 PM): who told you that??
Madaldal915 (11:23:16 PM): huh?
Madaldal915 (11:23:20 PM): HEY!!!!
r0cKtHaPaRtY (11:23:22 PM): hahahahahahahahahahhaha
r0cKtHaPaRtY (11:23:27 PM): sorry =)
r0cKtHaPaRtY (11:23:28 PM): its bettina
r0cKtHaPaRtY (11:23:36 PM): messing with all my sister's friends' minds
r0cKtHaPaRtY: i must congratulate you on your candid performance
Dwakatzung: haha u like that britney spears huh?
Dwakatzung: sad thing is, that was the easier part of the dance to make up
Dwakatzung: those moves came naturally to me and howa
Dwakatzung: hahaha
r0cKtHaPaRtY: HAHA
r0cKtHaPaRtY: oh yea
r0cKtHaPaRtY: all the studying of her videos must have come in handy
r0cKtHaPaRtY: oh but isnt that the point of taf... to make a fool of urself and have ur friends harrangue u about it for years to come??
r0cKtHaPaRtY: thats what makes the experience so special =)
Dwakatzung: haha but i have the most so far i think
Dwakatzung: esp with so many people out to get embarrass phtos and videos of me
Dwakatzung: slide show was like "make fun of young" show
oh wait THERES MORE!!
Dwakatzung: and also, for this year's TAF brochure
Dwakatzung: the quailman pic will beo n there supposively
r0cKtHaPaRtY: really??
Dwakatzung: good thing i have no shame
Dwakatzung: otherwise i'd hide under my bed
r0cKtHaPaRtY: hahahahahaha
Dwakatzung: and weep
r0cKtHaPaRtY: well i heard u put it up on ur xanga
r0cKtHaPaRtY: sOo apparently ur rite
Dwakatzung: haha yea
Dwakatzung: its a real chick magnet
Dwakatzung: al lthe girls wnat me now and my underwear outside my pants
Dwakatzung: in fact, i dress like that now
mM suuure... such a crowd pleaser ~_^
Don Mecca 829 (11:11:11 PM): my thong did get stuck in the washer
r0cKtHaPaRtY (11:11:16 PM): hahahahahahhahaa
Don Mecca 829 (11:11:24 PM): such a shame
r0cKtHaPaRtY (11:11:27 PM): so did anita's
Don Mecca 829 (11:11:29 PM): it was my favorite one too
r0cKtHaPaRtY (11:11:30 PM): you have so much in common
r0cKtHaPaRtY (11:11:31 PM): lmao
r0cKtHaPaRtY (11:11:33 PM): was it purple
r0cKtHaPaRtY (11:11:46 PM): and lilac
Don Mecca 829 (11:11:48 PM): yea it was
Don Mecca 829 (11:26:39 PM): did anita leave yet
Don Mecca 829 (11:26:40 PM): ?
r0cKtHaPaRtY (11:26:57 PM): no never
Don Mecca 829 (11:27:16 PM): is she trying to finish all the ben and jerry's ice cream herself again
r0cKtHaPaRtY (11:27:19 PM): hahahahahhahaa
r0cKtHaPaRtY (11:27:29 PM): yes... but the plan failed when she got it stuck in the washing machine
Madaldal915 (11:22:38 PM): finaklly found out ur home # huh . . .
r0cKtHaPaRtY (11:23:00 PM): what? i didnt change my number because i'm avoiding you!!!
r0cKtHaPaRtY (11:23:09 PM): who told you that??
Madaldal915 (11:23:16 PM): huh?
Madaldal915 (11:23:20 PM): HEY!!!!
r0cKtHaPaRtY (11:23:22 PM): hahahahahahahahahahhaha
r0cKtHaPaRtY (11:23:27 PM): sorry =)
r0cKtHaPaRtY (11:23:28 PM): its bettina
r0cKtHaPaRtY (11:23:36 PM): messing with all my sister's friends' minds
r0cKtHaPaRtY: i must congratulate you on your candid performance
Dwakatzung: haha u like that britney spears huh?
Dwakatzung: sad thing is, that was the easier part of the dance to make up
Dwakatzung: those moves came naturally to me and howa
Dwakatzung: hahaha
r0cKtHaPaRtY: HAHA
r0cKtHaPaRtY: oh yea
r0cKtHaPaRtY: all the studying of her videos must have come in handy
r0cKtHaPaRtY: oh but isnt that the point of taf... to make a fool of urself and have ur friends harrangue u about it for years to come??
r0cKtHaPaRtY: thats what makes the experience so special =)
Dwakatzung: haha but i have the most so far i think
Dwakatzung: esp with so many people out to get embarrass phtos and videos of me
Dwakatzung: slide show was like "make fun of young" show
oh wait THERES MORE!!
Dwakatzung: and also, for this year's TAF brochure
Dwakatzung: the quailman pic will beo n there supposively
r0cKtHaPaRtY: really??
Dwakatzung: good thing i have no shame
Dwakatzung: otherwise i'd hide under my bed
r0cKtHaPaRtY: hahahahahaha
Dwakatzung: and weep
r0cKtHaPaRtY: well i heard u put it up on ur xanga
r0cKtHaPaRtY: sOo apparently ur rite
Dwakatzung: haha yea
Dwakatzung: its a real chick magnet
Dwakatzung: al lthe girls wnat me now and my underwear outside my pants
Dwakatzung: in fact, i dress like that now
mM suuure... such a crowd pleaser ~_^