

This is an excerpt:

High school + Hawkettes is taking an unhappy toll on our once-fearless hero. Remember the days when she would bounce off the walls for hours on end until you wished you had never met her? Those days are over! In her place, there is a much more subdued, tired, and unconcerned girl. How could this be? This has not yet been proven, but theory is that she is exhausted as [censor]. This could be because of the fact that she spends almost half her day at school. Also, it might be the enormous pressure her coach has put on her and her teammates to perfect every little bit of every routine. It might even be the fact that her teammates don't want to cooperate, which puts her in a very bad spot where she believes that the routine should be improved, but not through rigorous and unhelpful repetition. When she finally gets home, she immediately showers (she fears she will dissolve in her own sweat if she does not) and stuff her face full of food (she'd probably pass out if she didn't). Then she proceeds to attempt to unwind and drink gallons of water to keep herself hydrated. Around 8 pm she begins to work on the [censor]-load of homework her teachers enjoy assigning each day. Around 9 pm she wishes she could pass out in her chair. However, we all know that Bettina must do all her work or she will get 1) yelled at by her teachers, specifically just because she is who she is, and/or 2) yelled at by her parents, who will then use this one instance as an example to yell at her even more even though she does her homework every day. Oh, right, and she does not see any of her best friends in the hallways or in any of her classes. At all. Ever. She goes whole days without seeing or even talking to her best friends.

Pretty sucky kids' book, huh? That's why they wouldn't publish it =( AGGGGGGGH IM SO DEAD. Yeah!! With an underline!! I'm not kidding, I have almost no spare time at all now and I'm always really tired.. or hungry... or thirsty... or all three. Like right now. Boo! AND... I miss TAF. And I miss the good ol' days before I went to Taiwan this summer. Man... I LOVED 8th grade. I'm just beginning to realize how much I loved 8th grade. I want to go visit my old school but WAIT-- I have practice till 6 pm every day cept Mondays... and an ortho this Monday after school. Isn't that loverly. And my first half-time show is homecoming. And everyone is bitchin on and on about dates... agggh STOP ITTTT I don't CARE if you are freaking out about having a date, and I don't CARE who asked you and who you rejected or how hot he is even though you said no because he's not popular or WHATEVER just PLEASE don't tell me because I DON'T CARE. Agh. Stupid freshman. LOL jpjp =P You know what I'm talking about-- there's always people that obsess about homecoming dates. Agh. Enough about that.

Oh right, and for those who want to know-- drill team = dance team. I'm not a cheerleader. We don't cheer. We don't stand on the sidelines during games and shake our asses in the football team's face. Er, we do... but only during practice. HAHAHA Okay I'll stop. Anyway, we dance for the pregame show and during halftime... has anyone seen Drumline? Yeah, well that girl that he likes? She's the captain of the dance team. That's us. Anywaaaayy it's not my fault our uniforms look like cheerleading uniforms =( but hey we have cool costumes for halftime n crap so isall good.

Okay, I've had it, my parents are pissing me off. My attention span to write or to blog in any way comprehensibly (or at least as comprehensible as I normally am) has totally failed. It's almost 12 and I have to be up around 8 tomorrow... I shall get no sleep... I shall be tired as shit AGAIN tomorrow and I feel like crap. So yeah, life sucks. The end.


agh i had sucha crappy day!!

Everyone mourn for me! =( Sigh.. okay... school went off normally, cept for the fact that it was SCHOOL and school just sucks on it's own. I talked to some people (er or person) and yeah... some of you know how that went, lol. Just a boring day in general, and I was so dead all day because I've been totally sleep deprived for an entire week. I'm so bitchy and impatient when I'm tired, it sucks!!!

Practice was alright, we got captains today... One of them is really nice, and I knew she'd be captain since last week =P You could tell. The other one... well, she's a freshman and a bunch of the upperclassmen were pissed they didn't get chosen. She's not that great either.. in my opinion. But she knows everything since she went to summer camp (sigh.. bullshit) and she sucks up to the coach. I don't know what irks me so much about her... I think it's her facial expressions. They make her look like she's going through excruciating pain or something. Though appearance shouldn't really count that much, it does when you're on stage and you're supposed to look like you're having fun. And she looks like a chicken with a shrunken head... hehe. I dunno... if you've seen a picture of her you'd know what I mean. Not that I'm trying to rag on her or anything... for some reason she just gives me a bad impression.

I guess the major reason is that I'm so tired... I should get some sleep, or something. =(