one clear night
where did that streetlamp come from?, i thought as i slid open the glass door and glanced at the backyard, bathed in light. and then i realized it was the moon. my misconception was testimony to how long summer was in coming, and how long it'd been since i ventured outside to contemplate life at night. it really struck me how the moonlight poured onto the grassy lawn, stopping at the trees and telephone poles, leaving dark shadows on the ground. at midnight, the dew was already shining on top of blades of green, as if daring summer to come and stop it from appearing so early. a breeze rustled by and i shivered, reminded that summer was not full on yet. however, the wet, pungent smell in the air told me that it was coming.
someone passing by that night on friday the thirteenth would have wondered why a young woman huddled on a footstool, staring up at the sky, completely silent. that someone would have probably rushed home and carried on their business, not taking time to glance at the heavens and notice the tremendous sprinkling of glitter in the air. it was as if the summer wind had rose up and demanded that the stars wake up. in return, hundreds of pinpricks of lights blinked sleepily as they realized it was their time to shine.
i hadn't seen, nor bothered to look for such an enormous showing of stars since more than a year ago. in chicago, near the busiest airport in the nation, it's easy to forget what the sky looks like when it's not covered in smog and clouds. while sitting out there, enjoying the sound of wind and crickets and cars driving by in the distance, i --almost unconsciously-- turned my head toward the skies and concentrated on finding as many as possible. it was almost tiring, squinting at the velvety black night, trying to see three years into my memory to when i knew the names and locations of quite a few constellations. after a while, i was practically wishing the brilliant moon would go away so i could see more. in fact, it was tiring and soon i yawned and the night claimed me, reminding me that humans can't see in the dark for a reason, and sleep would be the natural thing to do. as i pulled the footstool back to where it had been left, i turned around and smiled. it wasn't that cold out there. tomorrow i'm bringing the hammock.
six flags, monday =D
The Reflecting Pool at the front-- perty =)
Of course, the beautiful, the one and only queen of the universe, MOI =D Like the haircut? TCHUGULAY?? [want to die?]
We brought Hipps along to mess with him... I mean, offer him great fashion advice. Check out the pink shirt-- "Because I'm a princess, that's why!"
Try the Dippin' Dots-- they're breathtaking.
The "auto" button on the camera only works if you have somewhere good to put it... Obviously, a table is not one of those places.
I wonder if the operating lady noticed that weird girl who was taking pictures with her digital camera during the ride.
I know it's a long line Matt, but there's no need to hit on Alex.
Sexxyyyy!.. kind of.
Anne, put that thing away.
Elyse doing the Jeffreyman -I MEAN- Superman pose.
Me and Mike, my study buddy =D We scared Wicks so bad when we presented together for Social Studies.
Now this one I took while I was in line-- only Catie and Lucy were on the ride. REALLY.
Matt: "I'm saving the cows I'm saving the cows!" Um, how does mutilating meatballs save cows?
Anne, I told you to put that freaking thing away!! This was right before we got on the carousel =D
This was right before we almost got kicked off the carousel.
This is Maura and her sack. Isn't it beautiful? - on the carousel.
This is how Elyse describes me in these pictures: 1) GIVE ME MY FREAKING CAMERA BACK!!
2) Ugggggghhhh.
3) I am going to end you.
Matt, stop molesting Rhiannon with the stuffed animals. (it's a plushie flower, if you're wondering)
Melissa, Me, Veronica (V), and Maura doing the Jeffreyman pose.
One big screwed up Six Flags family. Actually, this may be the only good picture taken of me all day.
LAST DAY OF SCHOOL... ::gasp::
Look guys, it's Wicks...
I knew I shouldn't have let V run around with my camera. This is a product of her genius.
Colleen and Melissa
JJ and Michelle
Sarah and Allie-- Sarah's moving away this year!!! =*( We'll miss you, Sar!!
The Reflecting Pool at the front-- perty =)
Of course, the beautiful, the one and only queen of the universe, MOI =D Like the haircut? TCHUGULAY?? [want to die?]
We brought Hipps along to mess with him... I mean, offer him great fashion advice. Check out the pink shirt-- "Because I'm a princess, that's why!"
Try the Dippin' Dots-- they're breathtaking.
The "auto" button on the camera only works if you have somewhere good to put it... Obviously, a table is not one of those places.
I wonder if the operating lady noticed that weird girl who was taking pictures with her digital camera during the ride.
I know it's a long line Matt, but there's no need to hit on Alex.
Sexxyyyy!.. kind of.
Anne, put that thing away.
Elyse doing the Jeffreyman -I MEAN- Superman pose.
Me and Mike, my study buddy =D We scared Wicks so bad when we presented together for Social Studies.
Now this one I took while I was in line-- only Catie and Lucy were on the ride. REALLY.
Matt: "I'm saving the cows I'm saving the cows!" Um, how does mutilating meatballs save cows?
Anne, I told you to put that freaking thing away!! This was right before we got on the carousel =D
This was right before we almost got kicked off the carousel.
This is Maura and her sack. Isn't it beautiful? - on the carousel.
This is how Elyse describes me in these pictures: 1) GIVE ME MY FREAKING CAMERA BACK!!
2) Ugggggghhhh.
3) I am going to end you.
Matt, stop molesting Rhiannon with the stuffed animals. (it's a plushie flower, if you're wondering)
Melissa, Me, Veronica (V), and Maura doing the Jeffreyman pose.
One big screwed up Six Flags family. Actually, this may be the only good picture taken of me all day.
LAST DAY OF SCHOOL... ::gasp::
Look guys, it's Wicks...
I knew I shouldn't have let V run around with my camera. This is a product of her genius.
Colleen and Melissa
JJ and Michelle
Sarah and Allie-- Sarah's moving away this year!!! =*( We'll miss you, Sar!!
you have been waiting for this, i know you have

Wheeee snapshots of Friday =) Catie, Emily, Alex, Maura, Elyse, Sam, Lucy, and Jessica. Don't hate me because I have pictures of you! =) [sorry I didn't post these till just now... they were being stupid]
Before school and homeroom...
Alex, Emily, and Mary (don't you know them by now? lol)
Yeah this isn't exactly a great picture of me but check out the shirt!! Sexy, yea? ~_^
Nikki, Maura, Elyse, and Mary (before we got on the buses)
bowling at brunswick! ...wick... wicks... (social studies teacher) ::shudder::
After.... =D
Elyse, Alex, Emily, and Mary
Me, Alex, Mary and Emily
Awwww one big happy sucky bowling family =) (Alex was the only one who could do it right...does that say something?)
Hmm since I suck at bowling normally, let's try some bowling w/ STYLE.. (gutterballs, but hey, it looked snazzy)
Bus pictures are the best since no one really thinks you're gonna actually gonna take them =)
back at school...
If Hipps had a sister, this is what she would look like. The resemblance is frightening, probably since that is him with his hair behind his ears =X
That's Catie having too much fun with one of those pooing pig keychain things... o_O
Recess was fun....
...especially after Anne kicked Rick in the "cacoonas".
The most useful gym class ever =P
Ashley and Allie
and finally, promotion dance =D
Awwwwe aren't we adorable ~_^ That's Veronica, Melissa, Emily, Anne, Mary, Me, Alex, and Elyse.
Watch everyone beat me for putting this pic up... O=)
That's Alex pushing Mike out of the picture... yea, you tell him Al =P
Yeaaaahh work it!!! ~_^
Hey, remember the macarena?
Patricia, Veronica, and Elyse... ::shift eyes:: yeah, they're not weird
Ahhhhhhhh so many people!!!!! =) Just a sampling of cool kids at my school-- yes, there are other cool kids besides me. And yes, all cool kids take bubble baths so don't deny it.
Matt, Sarah, Ashley, and John. Ashley, put your bamum away. You ruined my pic with it.
MWAAAH!! You know you liked it ~_^
afterwards, at bennigans =D
Yeah, you know we're sexy =)
Don't they look like sisters?? Woah.
Aw you're just a studmuffin today. Though who would want to be kissed by Anne, we're still trying to figure out.
Anyone wanna guess what's going on in that pic? Look at Anne, Alex, and Elyse.
Yeah, you think you're hotter than hotpockets, but YOU'RE NOT!!
Sorry Al, I just had to post this one of Marty... ::snicker::
and with that, it ends...
Wheeee snapshots of Friday =) Catie, Emily, Alex, Maura, Elyse, Sam, Lucy, and Jessica. Don't hate me because I have pictures of you! =) [sorry I didn't post these till just now... they were being stupid]
Before school and homeroom...
Alex, Emily, and Mary (don't you know them by now? lol)
Yeah this isn't exactly a great picture of me but check out the shirt!! Sexy, yea? ~_^
Nikki, Maura, Elyse, and Mary (before we got on the buses)
bowling at brunswick! ...wick... wicks... (social studies teacher) ::shudder::
After.... =D
Elyse, Alex, Emily, and Mary
Me, Alex, Mary and Emily
Awwww one big happy sucky bowling family =) (Alex was the only one who could do it right...does that say something?)
Hmm since I suck at bowling normally, let's try some bowling w/ STYLE.. (gutterballs, but hey, it looked snazzy)
Bus pictures are the best since no one really thinks you're gonna actually gonna take them =)
back at school...
If Hipps had a sister, this is what she would look like. The resemblance is frightening, probably since that is him with his hair behind his ears =X
That's Catie having too much fun with one of those pooing pig keychain things... o_O
Recess was fun....
...especially after Anne kicked Rick in the "cacoonas".
The most useful gym class ever =P
Ashley and Allie
and finally, promotion dance =D
Awwwwe aren't we adorable ~_^ That's Veronica, Melissa, Emily, Anne, Mary, Me, Alex, and Elyse.
Watch everyone beat me for putting this pic up... O=)
That's Alex pushing Mike out of the picture... yea, you tell him Al =P
Yeaaaahh work it!!! ~_^
Hey, remember the macarena?
Patricia, Veronica, and Elyse... ::shift eyes:: yeah, they're not weird
Ahhhhhhhh so many people!!!!! =) Just a sampling of cool kids at my school-- yes, there are other cool kids besides me. And yes, all cool kids take bubble baths so don't deny it.
Matt, Sarah, Ashley, and John. Ashley, put your bamum away. You ruined my pic with it.
MWAAAH!! You know you liked it ~_^
afterwards, at bennigans =D
Yeah, you know we're sexy =)
Don't they look like sisters?? Woah.
Aw you're just a studmuffin today. Though who would want to be kissed by Anne, we're still trying to figure out.
Anyone wanna guess what's going on in that pic? Look at Anne, Alex, and Elyse.
Yeah, you think you're hotter than hotpockets, but YOU'RE NOT!!
Sorry Al, I just had to post this one of Marty... ::snicker::
and with that, it ends...