Wheeee snapshots of Friday =) Catie, Emily, Alex, Maura, Elyse, Sam, Lucy, and Jessica. Don't hate me because I have pictures of you! =) [sorry I didn't post these till just now... they were being stupid]
Before school and homeroom...
Alex, Emily, and Mary (don't you know them by now? lol)
Yeah this isn't exactly a great picture of me but check out the shirt!! Sexy, yea? ~_^
Nikki, Maura, Elyse, and Mary (before we got on the buses)
bowling at brunswick! ...wick... wicks... (social studies teacher) ::shudder::
After.... =D
Elyse, Alex, Emily, and Mary
Me, Alex, Mary and Emily
Awwww one big happy sucky bowling family =) (Alex was the only one who could do it right...does that say something?)
Hmm since I suck at bowling normally, let's try some bowling w/ STYLE.. (gutterballs, but hey, it looked snazzy)
Bus pictures are the best since no one really thinks you're gonna actually gonna take them =)
back at school...
If Hipps had a sister, this is what she would look like. The resemblance is frightening, probably since that is him with his hair behind his ears =X
That's Catie having too much fun with one of those pooing pig keychain things... o_O
Recess was fun....
...especially after Anne kicked Rick in the "cacoonas".
The most useful gym class ever =P
Ashley and Allie
and finally, promotion dance =D
Awwwwe aren't we adorable ~_^ That's Veronica, Melissa, Emily, Anne, Mary, Me, Alex, and Elyse.
Watch everyone beat me for putting this pic up... O=)
That's Alex pushing Mike out of the picture... yea, you tell him Al =P
Yeaaaahh work it!!! ~_^
Hey, remember the macarena?
Patricia, Veronica, and Elyse... ::shift eyes:: yeah, they're not weird
Ahhhhhhhh so many people!!!!! =) Just a sampling of cool kids at my school-- yes, there are other cool kids besides me. And yes, all cool kids take bubble baths so don't deny it.
Matt, Sarah, Ashley, and John. Ashley, put your bamum away. You ruined my pic with it.
MWAAAH!! You know you liked it ~_^
afterwards, at bennigans =D
Yeah, you know we're sexy =)
Don't they look like sisters?? Woah.
Aw you're just a studmuffin today. Though who would want to be kissed by Anne, we're still trying to figure out.
Anyone wanna guess what's going on in that pic? Look at Anne, Alex, and Elyse.
Yeah, you think you're hotter than hotpockets, but YOU'RE NOT!!
Sorry Al, I just had to post this one of Marty... ::snicker::
and with that, it ends...