TAF ness =] .. an1 has the group pic.. somewhere.
Andrew n Jason... hand-sparring??
Can you guess whose leg is whose? And whose shoes? [ps: pay no attention to the difference between the hairy leg and the foot with nailpolish...]
This is what happens when you give Anne the camera:
Trying to look cool. / Yes, a boat. Good job Anne. / Pix of unsuspecting boys.
We are so cool. [Gimme a break, I was holding the camera in one hand, trying not to miss.]
Forced picture op. / Anne -thinking for once-?
More FPO's. / Maura being herself.
So many people! Ahhh.. so much fun...
Notice Maura's tanktop... this is BEFORE she acquired that bright pink glow on her shoulders.
Notice the morning dew... this is BEFORE all the clothes came off. HAHA.
THERE'S MORE! .. em's ice show =)
You were ABSOLUTELY EXQUISITE, Em!! We love you!!
So much cool shiet!! Joanne / asian chick! [shoulda known that an ice rink would have more asians than I've ever seen in Action Ridge] / she's, what, 9yrs old? / a Charlotte aka penche en arabesque .. daym. / 9yr old again.. DAYM.
BATMAN! [this one's for you, Maria]
Scooby! Joanne and Jenny [And Kyle... for you, Livy]
Yes, what you see before you is MEN IN TIGHTS...
Things to notice: Scott's pink ballet tights + 'hot tamale' boxers + Elyse's face + Olivia being drunk
Okay damnit, the only reason my legs look white is because Emily is wearing brown skating tights, so SHUT UP [eric and jeremy!].