May is less showers, more flowers. May stops dreaming of nice weather, and starts living it. May breathes life into everyone. May means...
+ sun + perfect days + frolicking in the fields + flowers blooming + last weeks of school + free time + the smell of fresh-cut grass + end of track season + driving with the windows down + mary and anne's birthdays + my favorite month =)
and most importantly, May means... PRIOR'S COMIN BACK.
did I mention I'm going to a Cubs game? Aug 12th baby =D
[[addendum]] summer
There's nothing like counting down to summer =D. 5 weeks till finals... and FOR ONCE, I'm NOT going to Taiwan. And yes, while I was basking in the glory of knowing I won't have to spend 4 weeks alone/bored out of my mind, I realized... EVERYONE ELSE IS GOING. Argh. Timing can kiss my ass. Anyway, I'm thinkin of working this summer, maybe take some dance classes. I've also gotta take driver's ed and then I got summer school in July. TAF2k4 is Aug 1-8 and I CAN'T WAIT =) Yepp those are my plans... it feels good to know I'm actually doing something for once. Yay.