For myself I am an optimist - it does not seem to be much use being anything else. ~Sir Winston Churchill
There has been nothing in my life that has affected me more than a turn towards optimism two years ago. I had spent years of hell in fear for my grades since my parents were so demanding about performance in school-- if I was procrastinating, it would eat away at me until I was forced to work, and while I was working, it'd still be painful since I knew that I wasn't finished. One day I just realized that no matter what, I would always finish my work when I needed to. I trusted myself. I stopped obsessing at every waking moment about unfinished projects, started to enjoy doing whatever it was that kept me from working, and just LIVED.
Somehow this attitude has permeated the rest of my life. People say that happiness is ignorance... if that's true, then ignorance is a blessing. Optimism is like all risks- there are some risks you can't afford to take, and some risks you can't afford NOT to take. What everyone fears about optimism is that he/she will not be prepared for disappointment if it comes. Unfortunately, this fear can be applied to anything, and soon, a person would turn into a pessimist. Not only does pessimism totally bring you down, it also brings everyone else down with you. If you are not going to be optimistic about something, at the very least do not swing the other way. Hope for the best- acknowledge the worst. Do not let the thought of the worst consume you.
Because of my newfound ability to be optimistic without screwing myself over, it puzzles and frustrates me when others get down. I don't like being brought down, so I will do my best to keep you up, unless you totally refuse to give yourself a break. I won't disillusion you-- people need truth, and I won't compromise my own values and give up my peace of mind to let you continue on your pity fest. NEVER pity fest me, because I will DROP YO' SPLEEN bitch.
Thank you.