The Reflecting Pool at the front-- perty =)
Of course, the beautiful, the one and only queen of the universe, MOI =D Like the haircut? TCHUGULAY?? [want to die?]
We brought Hipps along to mess with him... I mean, offer him great fashion advice. Check out the pink shirt-- "Because I'm a princess, that's why!"
Try the Dippin' Dots-- they're breathtaking.
The "auto" button on the camera only works if you have somewhere good to put it... Obviously, a table is not one of those places.
I wonder if the operating lady noticed that weird girl who was taking pictures with her digital camera during the ride.
I know it's a long line Matt, but there's no need to hit on Alex.
Sexxyyyy!.. kind of.
Anne, put that thing away.
Elyse doing the Jeffreyman -I MEAN- Superman pose.
Me and Mike, my study buddy =D We scared Wicks so bad when we presented together for Social Studies.
Now this one I took while I was in line-- only Catie and Lucy were on the ride. REALLY.
Matt: "I'm saving the cows I'm saving the cows!" Um, how does mutilating meatballs save cows?
Anne, I told you to put that freaking thing away!! This was right before we got on the carousel =D
This was right before we almost got kicked off the carousel.
This is Maura and her sack. Isn't it beautiful? - on the carousel.
This is how Elyse describes me in these pictures: 1) GIVE ME MY FREAKING CAMERA BACK!!
2) Ugggggghhhh.
3) I am going to end you.
Matt, stop molesting Rhiannon with the stuffed animals. (it's a plushie flower, if you're wondering)
Melissa, Me, Veronica (V), and Maura doing the Jeffreyman pose.
One big screwed up Six Flags family. Actually, this may be the only good picture taken of me all day.
LAST DAY OF SCHOOL... ::gasp::
Look guys, it's Wicks...
I knew I shouldn't have let V run around with my camera. This is a product of her genius.
Colleen and Melissa
JJ and Michelle
Sarah and Allie-- Sarah's moving away this year!!! =*( We'll miss you, Sar!!