The creator of that notebook must have been a genius!! [back cover: "... don't forget to aim."] I wanted to get it but I a) was broke, b) didn't have much use for it, c) am still broke. Very, very broke. Anyway, I went to Woodfield today with Elissa, Annie, and Jen... and walked around for 6 full hours. Shopping must be the healthiest excercise for your body and mind
bombs over baghdad...
So, some of you guys might have noticed the lack of any blurbs on the war in here. This is mostly because the reality of it all hasn't struck me that hard yet-- you can probably tell, since every time I watch the news and look at the captions I can't help thinkin' "don't plan to bang unless you plan to hit somethin..." It sounds insensitive but I'm really not hit by the war at all since all it is is pictures on the TV of things happening half the world away. I think it's partially because I've never lived through a war either, and I don't know how it feels to be in one. Of course my thoughts are on our soldiers and the Iraqi civilians but I can't say that my life changed when the war started.
My opinions on the whole thing? I don't really have one. I'm not pro or anti war. But I do think that it's unethical for antiwar protestors to keep disrupting cities and towns during their marches. Really, is there any way to make the soldiers feel worse?? It's basically telling them that they shouldn't be there, and they are fighting for nothing. Sure, it's not necessarily their choice, but if they're doing it we could at least give them support, right? It must be disheartening to know that people in your own country aren't appreciating you risking your life for them (even if that puts it kind of harshly). Another thought... shouldn't the protestors be arrested?? I mean, I know there's the 1st Amendment and the right to peaceful assembly. But the march that went down Lake Shore Drive this past weekend wasn't peaceful... it was disruptful. I'd think that they'd be charged with disruption of peace or something like that. I don't know much about laws so I'm not gonna bitch about it... I thought it was rude of them to do that though.
I guess my thoughts aren't really organized about the war... but I wish the best for our (and Britain's) soldiers, and all the innocent Iraqis...