We had some Marines come in for a presentation today for SS since three of our core teachers were absent. (Of course, only Wicks left to teach us all and that definitely wouldn't have worked so we got four classes cut in half to see the presentation.) Anyway, later in the day the teachers let them mess with us in PE class =( Anyway it really wasn't that bad because it wasn't an actual course.. just warmups and exercises, etc. The worst one was the leg lifts but the scariest part was that we do almost the exact same thing in ballet. It was reaaallly freaky...
But the worst part was that our class is full of slackers that think they don't need to work, and if the entire class wasn't together in doing everything they made us do it AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN and OMG I was going to kill the people that weren't doing it because I had to hold these totally awkward and painful positions for like minutes and yeah... it was bad. It was short though... it would've probably been more interesting if it were longer. I don't really think it was TOO hard... the hardest thing to do was yell loudly because I'm always being told to smile (in performances and stuff), look pleasant, and under no circumstances make any noise whatsover =P The staff sergeant yelled at me for not yelling! It was scary... Anyway!
more speech news!
No, I did not get another day =( Yes, I was very upset about that. But I'm pretty well prepared. I just have to write the actual speech now... Oh, and make a visual. Boo! okay so I guess I'm not that well prepared. So, I'll have to skip part of dance class again but I basically always do so I guess there's no point in going anyway-- besides, I already got my workout for today =P Ah, the glory of making excuses for myself =) Okay, I guess I should go work now =D Wish me luck!
now playing: addicted -simple plan-