Okay, new Kiki pic up... sorry I didn't change it yesterday. I was trying to, like late at night about two hours after I typed out those passages from FFN (fascinating, eh?? -_-), but for some reason blogspot was bein an ass and decided not to work at all. I fixed it today... and I changed the time settings... I had it on Central but they were showin up in Cali time =T so I changed it to "Atlantic" time... apparently, I live in Canada now =D
speaking of cali...
I'M STAYING I'M STAYING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (no i'm not done yet)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Okay you can imagine in your head the rest of the exclamation points. But guess what... I'M NOT MOVING!!!!!! You have no idea how happy I am... lol. I still don't know WHY we're not moving, but hey, I'm NOT so THERE =D. But of course there's always a catch.. my dad says "You're staying!!" and I'm like "YESSSSSSSSSSS!!" and he mumbles "for a year at least". Hahaha.. okay Pops... s'long as I'm staying for a year =D. Now I'm scared that my application to my high school didn't work out, because I didn't really concentrate there anyway LOL. I'll have to ask all my friends for help getting around the school because I basically spaced out during orientation. OH WELL =)
you look nice today... april foooool!
Yeah... we're such dorks.