why am i the only one who doesn't get a say in my summer?
My parents are senseless. My mom wants to go back to Taiwan for a month and a half. "Why don't you want to go to Taiwan this summer?" she asks. Well mommy, to put it concisely... because I don't want to die!!! Okay, I guess that's an exaggeration. SARS isn't that horrible in Taiwan right now. But the possibility is there, and as long as my trip to Taiwan isn't essential, why should I take the risk??
So we had it all planned out. I stay until the beginning of July, when I go to Boston for my cousin Charlie's wedding and visit Limor and Peter. Then I go to Taiwan, stay until the beginning of August when I come home and go to TAF. It was all working out quite well... until TAF decides to set a fucking quarantine period, in which I have to be in the US at least 2 weeks before going to TAF. What the hell. So now what?? My mom refuses to just go to Taiwan for 2 weeks-- she finds it pointless. So she wants to make me go for a fucking month and a half. RAWRR!! I refuse!! You can't do that to me... it's not fair... =( I have to go to Boston.. you can't just tell me I'm going and make me all excited and then not let me go =( It should be against the law... inhumane... At least I want some time in the US with my friends-- something that I never get in the summer. Bah...
Someday I will try to take a more positive look at life... until then, power to the negativity! =D