the wonders of modern medicine...
As much as I hate to admit it, this stupid amoxicillin actually worked for once. I thought I'd become immune to its effects lonnnng ago, back when my mom fed me that stuff for breakfast lunch and dinner-- Okay, not really. But close! Anyway, I think it's actually working because my throat is feeling a lil better. It's actually pretty dry now but hey at least I'm not coughing up a lung. I guess not going to school today was a good idea ~_^ I only went to one full day of school this week, and that was actually progress report day (nothing is accomplished). I feel rested =).
Maybe I should skip Chinese school too. I mean, they sent a letter home saying that we shouldn't go if we're sick. Because apparently they think that we all have SARS. And so does my mom... I was talking to her today on the phone and she starts listing off all these symptoms, asking me if I have them. HELLO MOTHER... I DO NOT HAVE SARS... LEAVE ME ALONE! rofl!!
anne will kill jeremy, if i don't first
THERE'S A GOOD CHARLOTTE CONCERT IN ST. LOUIS... AND HE HAS THIRD ROW TICKETS!!! I find that so damned unfair. Everyone go flame him. Actually I don't think he has a website... oh well. You can SECRETLY hate him-- PUAHAHAHAHAH!! Okay I guess that's not as evil as flaming him.. or breaking into his house and stealing the tickets. But hey, I can't be all evil, all the time. It's just craziness! Craziness!
Okay well it's late and I get stupid when it's late... so I guess no one can tell anyway.. I mean, so I should leave. Bye =)