This is your one and only warning: if you are a girl who constantly types in rAndOmiZeD cAPitALs and often include the words "meeh, mai, gawd, baybee, likkle" .. or "kyoote" in any of your online conversations/websites/profile, DO NOT READ THIS ENTRY. Or, if you do, don't flame me about it. Actually, go ahead, flame me. Just try to cool it on the cApS.
DOES ANYONE AGREE WITH ME??? I swear, I cannot STAND IT. I guess it's alright if you randomize a little bit for emphasis or artistic reasons (yes, I do think that certain letters look better next to eachother so leave me alone), but if people constantly type like that I will probably end up ripping their head off. Especially if it's on a website-- do you really NOT want people to read it? Or is there another reason you type in such a fucking screwed up way?
Now, the strangely spelled words-- I guess I am a BIT of a hypocrite in that sense. I spell things differently sometimes... but usually only to emphasize or to show how I literally pronounce things. I guess that's my own excuse-- other people may have theirs, but once again, the CONSTANT use of them really throws me off. It's like a non-stop flirt sequence trying to act cute and girly and bubblegum pink when you're NOT, or you SHOULDN'T BE. Really, what does it accomplish besides having other people label you as a ditz?
OR-- now this is the best part-- if you do all of the above, AND pretend you're ghetto. Mmmhmm because you're a ghetto prep, right? From THE RICHEST SUBURB IN THE STATE? Please. Laughing so hard can be painful. At the rate you're going, I'll probably have a seizure. Fine, I understand if you're just doing the ghetto act as a joke-- but some people seriously view themselves as a "gangsta" or a "playa". Right. You do that. I'll talk to you when you wake up and realize your school receives the most public funding in the entire nation.
Everyone wants to have their own style. I'm a total victim of that "trend". Strange how a trend is actually an attempt to deviate from older trends. Strange how we're all tricked into thinking we're rebels when really we're just following the newest "rebel" movement. Strange how we hate when other people diss on our "originality" when we are totally cynical about the way THEY look, act, or dress.
Be yourself.
Such an easy phrase to say. Such a difficult phrase to follow. And why is it so difficult for us to BE OURSELVES? Shouldn't it be the easiest, most natural thing in the WORLD? It isn't. And I know it isn't. But the total FAKENESS of our world today... doesn't it depress you?