Winter break... oh man.. you have NO idea how much I need this. Really. I'm sure everyone else loves to be off as well, but you have NO idea what this is for me. I'm SO sick it's ridiculous. I can't last more than 10 minutes without a cough drop. I can't do anything. If I had had practice today, I would have been on the ground dying. If school was actually hard today, I would have failed any/all quizzes and assignments. If people weren't all cheerful and nice, I would have been lashing out at everyone.
SO THANK YOU. Especially all those people that said "awww I hope you feel better" because even though it seems like a small gesture... it's better than no sympathy whatsoever.
I have a game tomorrow. It should be cool, we're performing during the varsity b-ball team's halftime. Come watch if you can =D the game starts at 6:30 I think?
Happy winter break, everyone.