in 9 hours...
::wince:: Let's not say it outloud. It makes it more real.
Every week I forget how much I love Will Estes. And then Sunday comes along. PUAHAHA...
Oh no- my battery dead on my cell phone, n I really wanna caaaallll ya.. Yoooouu're my aaaangel, yooouu're my heart girl.. I heart taf songs.
More pics from the winter up soon. Took a bunch of nifty stuff in the snow and then a buncha TAF peoples.. and Jase's foine lights on the flo hehe
Sorry I'm so random. Wait, no I'm not. Deal with it.
About the drama.. I don't want it. But I can handle it, right? I'm strong, right? nothing has never hurt so much.. I'm still trying to figure out what that means to me. But when I say it, it makes sense.. to me. Have I mentioned that I hate waiting? breathe. I'm letting it go, right? I can do this, right??
Thanks to everyone that worried. I'm not saying that I'm sad, I'm just saying that I'm blogging about sadder things.
Sigh, I guess I should sleep. =(