
bad idea...

So I worked this morning on the new layout-- like it? Yeah well I don't care, cuz I like it. Anyway, so I looked for all these dance pictures, trying to make it look better (again, I like it, so shut up), and I ended up deciding I should stretch and/or throw on the pointe shoes for a bit. So I did, and now my left ankle feels like it just popped out of its socket. That may also because of the unnecessarily large amount of walking we did today uptown-- but I saw my Mike - MINE - so it's all good. The bands that were playing yesterday were pretty good too-- TNT IS DYNAMITE haha. Oh and yall know the other band wasn't that bad at all...

In other news, my p-baby is pitching tomorrow morning, so I'll be occupied (aka drooling) until about 3pm. Summer school is over! =) So we're going swimming with Constance on Monday. I have all these random plans for a vague "next week"... so one day I'm going to Six Flags (YEA?? or just a TAF gettogether..), one day I'm having a bake fest with Maria and Tami and Mike (not mine), and there is much stalking and street-running to accomplish before Livy leaves for Florida, Al leaves for Italy... and Em's already in Florida =(. In a rather cool way though, we're all gonna be gone during the same time, so we can spend more time together. And TAF is coming up-- SO EXCITED. Even more excited for the Cubs game after TAF-- bring on the Padres, baby. AND I might be going to Boston... but that's a very big MIGHT.

By the way, I must say that the Bosox/Yankee fight yesterday is possibly one of the best in all of baseball. Cmon-- the starting pitcher was bleeding from his ear, the "best player" in the major leagues screamed "fuck you", the guy who's already appealing a 5 game suspension literally DIVED into it, four players ejected, damn. Good shit. So now that  the Sox AND the Cubbies are getting their grips, it's about time we overrun this goddamn deficit and defeat the two evillest teams in Major League Baseball. Damn right, it's better than yo's.

So there's less than a month of summer left... les do it, do it doooo ittt...