1) If Roger Clemens is gonna suck, he can suck when he's pitching AGAINST US. Not FOR US.
2) I hope Scott Rolen suffers lasting damage from being pegged by Mark Mulder.
3) The Unit can NOT go to the Satans. Nononono. No.
4) There is NO SUCH THING as a Clement/Garciaparra deal. Nor a Gonzalez/Cabrera deal. NO! NONONONO!
5) 8 straight home games coming up. I predict we go 6-2.
6) Because Clemens was an asshole, the 2004 World Series will not begin at Wrigley. The middle three games will be at Wrigley. We will win Game 1, 3, 4, and 5. A mass celebration on Waveland will ensue.
The pre-TAF anxiety has settled in. WHY DO I HAVE SO LONG TO WAIT?! HURRY HURRY HURRY... It's starting to enter into my subconcious. Like what to pack. And what to wear. And what I'm gonna make Jeremy do when he loses our bet that I will be tanner than him =D Ahhhhhhh!! [Who's taking the bus with me? Yea, yea?]