Well, there's another one next week. And that will be spectacular... however.... I have no date. Yes ladies and gentleman, if you ever meet a Maine South boy, you can safely assume that he holds no appreciation for the beauty and excellence that IS bettina chang. Ahahaha.. but anyway.
Thank you very much to the great (and dashing) Jason Lee for a marvelous remarkable absolutely magical night. I hope I helped to break your "homecoming curse", especially because you totally slaughtered me at our game last night. Also thank you to Sir Andrew Shen for giving in to peer pressure and coming along, even though we tortured him by pretending that we weren't going after all. Thanks to Emily for taking a million and a half pictures at her house.... to Kara for being so nice and just absolutely hilarious... Lizelle for having so much chemistry with me... Giemar for threatening to explode the peppers onto us... Joe for being my fake date with my fake ID with a non-existent permission form. There were SO MANY PEOPLE and they split us up at dinner so I didn't get introduced to half of them! But they were all super nice.
I'M SO SAD I DIDN'T GET TO SAY BYE TO YOU GUYS! I don't really feel like recounting the night. But it was hilarious. And everything we did was ON PURPOSE. Yes, that counts forgetting flowers, tickets, ID, getting lost, running red lights, not ringing doorbells... I wish I had taken more pictures. But I didn't. So I'll just wait until someone else gets them up and I will steal accordingly =D
other crap
So to make up for it, I shall give a taste of summer:
Aahah what a great night... I MISS SUMMER! It's so cold now! I'm not ready for fall =( The "tattoo" on my arm says "PRIOR #22" on it... haha... back when he came off the DL [Remember the hope we held at that point?]. Remember that bruise I had on my arm from running into a wall? Yeah I drew the heart to cover it up. Hahaha. I'm cool now.
OMG MY CUBBIES. I seriously feel like something inside me has died. But it's kind of good that we were slowly edged out of the race, instead of just losing in the postseason like last year. It was a little less painful. But a lot more sad. It's crazy to think that the season's over. But it was a good year... we loved them, we hated them, we hoped we pined and we pained... I'm still proud. Back to back winning seasons-- one step at a time, right? And um, go Red Sox?
I'm getting my braces off tomorrow. =D Yeah that's RIGHT, no more calling ME metal mouth.