Ahhhh TAF =)
The malicious brewing
and consumption of Manchester food...
The strange apparel that we don,
the inevitable crossdressing
using actual clothes
or LOTS of balloons...
the skits, involving "Mr. Deer"
and a snow-white >>bunny<< ??
Meeting lil pimps like Kevin...
and watching Julianna throw up ginger...
sOh priceless!
Um, though some things we can do without seeing...
Of course, there's small group! (XII baybee!!)
beating all the other small groups...
and Elliot being punished for being late to small group.
Swing choir was fun this year... especially for Eric and Ming
Apparently, Frank and Andrew wanted to be swing choir partners too, but that didn't work out. They found an alternative.
Now let's count how many pictures I have of people licking stuff (or other people)
Correction: licking, or molesting little kids. o_O
Now count how many of these licking pictures involve Jeremy.
And one more, for good measure.
Suite 109 babyyyy!!
No need to be THAT enthusiastic, Staci...
Kick it down a notch...
Must have been the soap!
Which way does this picture go??
More fun in the hallway
Breakfast at speaker session? Tsk tsk... Something to keep away the boredom, I guess.
Apparently, this was taken before speaker session... notice how non-asleep we are.
Night market was cooler... got to see Lil, FINALLY!!
TAF Night pix! You better come to Youth next year, Lil!!
Bettina: "If you do something stupid in this picture, I will beat you." James: "I'm sorry, I just look stupid naturally."
Me and Frank, my "roomie" =D
Me, Annie, Christine, Karen, and Emily... lookin beautiful. Obviously.
Me, Joe, Annie and um.. Joe. (And Tim's fingers in the background >=( )
How kind of you to show your face, Tim.
Annie, Karen, Staci and Lucy... sheksayy
Step and hands, Jon!! [I should consider putting this into swing choir next year.. HAHA]
Youth Staff Choir: Lyin in my bed, hear the clock tickin, think of you...
JH Staff had a crazy picture session... "Everyone switch places, GO GO GO!!"
The next morning, goodbyes... =(
Swing choir next year, yea yea??
I said bye to Dave.. even though I'd see him for the next 3 days straight.
Cuz there'd be that 40+ people TAF dinner at Mountain View...
And then chillin in New Chinatown Square afterwards...
And then that picture at Chikuan and Linn's salon, where the white people outside started taking pictures too.. >_< kinda freaky. Must've not seen so many Asians together at the same time =P. [Z has this picture... everyone bug him to get it =)]
TAF's over... but I will forever miss Manchester.. and the massive swarms of cows.