
the return of the rant

I'm sure you all missed them.

I just realized that it really really irks me when people are negative. I'm sure that I'm negative sometimes too (my turn to be hypocritical) but I have a feeling that some people are way more negative than me. And I tend to be kidding when I'm negative... to be honest, I think of myself as a pretty positive person. Sure, I bitch a lot in my blogs, but that's only because it's so much easier to blog about annoying things. (Hence, this rant.) In reality I actually take a pretty optimistic look on things. Of course I'll always do the whole traditional be-humble thing... Anyway.. that's definitely a tangent, and I'm not trying to do a difference-between-humble-and-negative rant. This is just about negativity, and how goddamn-annoying-it-is! =D

So I just finished reading a couple entries in someone's blog, and I've got to admit that what the person said (let's call them Cornelius... just for the fun of it) really scares me. Not really "frightens" but it makes me wonder about Cornelius... how must his life be if he can truthfully write the things that he does. Now, the honesty of blogs is always in question, because people tend to alter their thoughts when they know the entire world could be reading. However, if what Cornelius writes is true, I am both afraid FOR him and afraid OF him. He holds this complete negative outlook on events of the past week or so, and it's just so sad to read about how badly he views herself. I guess I'm kind of blessed with a massive ego because I really feel bad for people who can't like themselves. And then you wonder what he must think of others if he can't even accept herself for who he is.

I think the worst part about his entries is his obsession with irrelevant things. I guess "irrelevant" isn't the best word. But I mean, stuff like popularity and how-long-you-go-out-every-night, and how hot the boys are... Okay, this fake name isn't working... Cornelius is actually a girl. Soo um Cornelius has this obsession with boys, and by reading her blog, you get the feeling that she will be happy as long as the boys are cute. lol.. maybe I should change her name... nah, that's okay. Girls can be named Cornelius.. if they really want to be. Anyway, I just spent an hour on the phone between writing the past 2 sentences and I'm about to pass out... I'm too tired to rant anymore (is it possible??) =D I'll catch yallz.. on the flip side.. [cuh]... hahahaha