um... if the pictures aren't working...
First of all, you suck. LOL jp =D Try refreshing... and then, try right clicking the pic and hitting "Show Picture" on the right click menu. And if that doesn't work.. then you REALLY suck. Or, you could email me asking for them. Or some. I'm trying to find a good host, so help me out... pleaaase. Then you won't suck.
So... I actually had a pretty good day =) It was kinda confusing. The plans all got screwed up... but somehow it worked out. I was at Anne's for a lil... and then we walked to Elyse's ... and then she got a haircut.. and then we went uptown... and then we met Alex on the street... begging for money... =D And we saw Freaky Friday, which was a good movie =) My dad is normally cool about me going out without a real plan... but today, when I got home, he asked me, "Do your friends' parents ever think you're together too much?" And I'm like.. what the heck... is that possible? hahaha... He was just worried that they thought he didn't care about me enough, or something. I don't get why parents have these kinds of worries... especially my parents. They're always so caught up in how OTHER people will view them. I'm like.. what kind of example are you setting for me?? O=)
Hmm... so right now I'm stuck in one of those periods of undecisiveness. It pisses me off!! I'm so impatient sometimes. It's probably the lack of sleep recently... I was feeling awfully bitchy earlier. Was I acting bitchy, or just feeling bitchy? Hopefully just feeling... I don't really enjoy the bitchy me. Unless they deserve it. Like that pedophile 40-yr-old Mexican that honked at us at Village Crossing today... I think the turning point in my bitchiness was after I flicked him off. It just gets so much stress out of me. Ahhh.. so fresh n so clean clean. And then I went home... and my sister talked to all of my friends online. Instead of her own. Both of our AIMs were up, but she was IMing more in my box than her own. What the heck?? >_< It wasn't my fault, guys... I tried to get her off, I really did!! So STOP WHINING JEREMY!! hahaha... So, if you were on tonight around 10ish and my sn IMed you about cabbage.. that was my sis. Sorry =D.
I guess I'm out for tonight... Sometime during the weekend I should try to regain to normal sleeping schedule. "SUNDAY... SUNDAY... SOME DAYYY".