i need a break from negativity...
remember the happy list? hehe
:: music :: dance :: waves :: green :: vanilla :: fluffy clouds :: fluffy towels :: sunrises :: italy :: hot chocolate :: almond :: pretty eyes :: citrus :: dolphins :: roses :: wind :: windows :: homestar! :: friends :: popsicles :: phone calls :: cookies :: cooking :: sunshine :: mint :: fountains: sleep :: sleep :: sleep ::... -_-
:: pure sincerity :: unnecessary compliments :: thoughtful criticism :: provocative conversations :: pointless conversations :: phone conversations at 4 am :: time with your best friends :: "jus chillin" :: watching the stars :: slight breezes :: first snow :: letting loose :: going crazy :: dancing while everyone looks at you funny :: flopping onto your bed :: laughing at an inside joke :: laughing for no apparent reason :: making up a stupid joke and pretending it's funny :: accomplishing a goal :: meeting someone with the same interests as you :: songs that seem like they were written for you :: songs that you can put on repeat forever :: the glow of stagelights :: blasting music in an empty house :: cartwheels :: cartwheels down the aisles of grocery stores :: grocery shopping at 12 am or later :: dew on grass :: lying on the ground :: sitting in the middle of a street :: being told i made someone's day :: telling someone they made my day :: smiles from strangers :: conversations with strangers :: becoming great friends with a former stranger :: stretching :: feeling exhausted after accomplishing something :: accomplishing something no one thought you could ::
Oh, and one concluding happy thought: I'm getting my braces off sometime this school year. =D