
when all else fails...

Turn to your one true passion. You might not think you have one, but you do. Everyone does. Whether you are born with it engraved in your soul or if you engrave it there yourself, you have one. It could be a sport, or just talking on the phone... it could be sleeping. Because all that matters is that you can enjoy it. You don't need to be good at it. It doesn't need to be something really difficult. It's something you can do no matter what, and when left to your own accord, you can completely unwind. It's something you can do no matter what mood you're in, or what physical state you are in. As long as you are conscious, there is some way you can enjoy what you enjoy.

My one true passion is dancing. I know that a lot of girls that say this, and some don't really mean it. But I know that I mean it. Dance class may be strenuous, practice may be boring, but when I dance for myself, I always feel better. And if I'm unable or just too tired to dance, I listen to the music. I listen to the music and put my mind through what I would feel if I were dancing... and I feel better.

I'm not claiming that my word is the almighty truth. But I do believe that everyone has a passion. And if I'm wrong... then I feel very bad for whoever doesn't. Because nothing has saved me more this week than dance, and my music. Now I fully understand what everyone means when they say freshman year is a big transition. I guess I didn't quite understand how different life would be without seeing my friends at school every day. I didn't understand how many new things you go through. But now I get it. I miss my friends. I miss my middle school life. I miss knowing everyone in my grade. I love meeting new people, but I miss the familiarity. And I definitely miss having free time. If I lose touch with any of you throughout the course of my first semester in high school, just know that I'm sorry, and I still love you. I never imagined I'd be so busy-- I never knew how fast time could pass when there is so little of it to waste. So now I impose my blog theme into my life... I will seize the moment. I will live life to it's fullest.

A reflective day for me~ 9.11 ~Always remember the innocents who lost their lives.