I think I need to learn how to blog the
right way. Or the interesting way. Whatever. Have you ever read
Like Whoa? You probably haven't. It's great. That guy... I swear, he's hilarious. "Collectivism Can Kiss My Ass." People, it doesn't get better than that. There's some normal blogs, but the rants are the best. Remember my old Xanga rants? They were really really scary, right? That's because I don't know how to write without using a billion words. I suck at being concise. So, if you go to that site, read the Collectivism post. And the birthday one (feb 23rd.. my sister's bday!!) It's really short but I found amusing anyway... then again, I'm very easily amused. And read "Just Curious", its February 4th I think. So, that's my plug for Like-Whoa... read it if you get the time =)
mM I was thinkin about talkin more about shtuffs but I gotta sleep so I can get through the day tomorrow...
good night everyone!