+ went psycho after school, runnin around and screamin "SPRING BREAK!!" puAhahAhahA
+ pledged to BEAT THE SHIT out of someone at my school for dissin one of my girls.. gRr... children these days ~_^
+ went to anne's house w/ elyse... watched Young Frankenstein... decided that it should've been rated at least pg13 for all the inappropriate connotations... "How I Did It' rofl
+ went to dominicks with my sister at 12 AM... wha?? rofl oh well
+ laughed at her cuz her thong got stuck in the washing machine... ::snicker::
+ watched the first half of Sweet Home Alabama (i've seen it before) with her, fell asleep around 3ish?
+ screwed over our plans to go to Woodfield early to beat the crowd... woke up at 11 stead of 9. oh well, at least i got sleep! lol
+ WENT to woodfield... beat most of the crowd... shopped my ass off =) had fun.
+ FOUND A PROMOTION DRESS yEAa!! lol didnt BUY it but FOUND it...will prolly buy it tomorrow! ish so perty... so if ne1 else wears it imma kick their ass...
+ went running.. yes, it was cold. but FUN. and productive.
mM... wow i accomplished a lot!! yay... spring break... [[happiness]]