
ok correction, so the band that performed at our school was called "fourth avenue," not fifth street. whops... lol. neway, they were REALLY REALLY good... like, REALLY. lol. they didnt have any tracks in the background and there were no instruments, they were just singing, and one guy did the percussion/bass line-- he was the best, rofl. and he could sing REALLY well too. when they intro'd themselves they said, "everything you hear is made by the human voice. we don't use backup tracks, and we don't lip sync. if we did, we'd be a boy band." tru dat!! =P rofl. anyway they performed some songs and stuff and then they gave us this workshop on singing and shtuffs (since we were all in chorus or some singing thing... kind of) but i felt bad cuz they picked the WORST people to go up there and help... like, remarkably tone-deaf people. sigh. ohhh well... still i thought it was fun =)

mM so that was yesterday. today was soooooooo remarkably drawn out... AND it was a shortened day. which is just weird that it felt like it was so long =P. tomorrow's gonna be horrible! GAH! SO CLOSE TO SPRING BREAK, PEOPLE!! I CANT FRICKIN WAIT!! X(