
guess you want an update?

I'll be getting home sometime between the 23rd and 24th... Which means, I get what, like a week home before heading to TAF this year? I always end up so gypped on my time home during the summer. Good thing: my mom claims I won't have to come here next year. Shweeeet! I guess I'll be taking driver's ed over vacation... YAY... Bettina's all grown up! =P (How many of you just remembered that I'm a year younger than you? LOL) This week may be okay... my sister and mom went to get their hair done at the salon, and I'm just gonna bum at home, chillin and trying to look good for the pictures tomorrow...


For some reason we are getting our family photos taken... I guess it's because our last professional was at least 6 years ago, and my sister has always been pissed about that one picture where she's standing "too far away" from the rest of us. Hm... what the heck? Oh well =P They airbrush those photos like hell, and I can look okay if I actually take time to care about my appearance, so I'm not gonna obsess over it. My sister, on the other hand, has been worrying over this for days; this is due to the fact that she's also getting "glamour shots". Right. I would only do that if you paid me-- someone take my goddamn braces off!! I'm tired of hearing my relatives say, "Oh, you're still fixing your teeth?... You got them done in America, right?" since my Taiwanese cousin had braces last year but got them off already... As if it's my American orthodontist's fault that my teeth are taking so long to be fixed. What's up with the need to put the blame on someone?

my newfound annoyances

How are Taiwanese people so goddamn difficult?? Yes, these are my "people", but in the country itself I just want to pound them all into the ground, forel... You can read my sister's blog for great examples of the lack of courtesy/respect that the Taiwanese always seem to display. No, I'm not ragging particularly on the Taiwanese, but these are my experiences over here so it would only pertain to the Taiwanese. One thing Anita fails to mention though, is the seemingly fanatic obsession the people here have with appearance. Either yours or their own, it's always very very noticed. And very noticeably noticed, because if they look at you, they stare for at least 20 seconds, and sometimes point. It always bothers me when my cousin (the one with the non-braces teeth..) makes some comment about another person, and then proceeds to point -- and continue to point -- at that person. Is it just me? because I find that incredibly rude.. Not only are you judging someone by their appearance, but you are making it very obvious!! This staring thing gets to me even more because I'm often the one being stared at... I just wanna be like STOP LOOKING AT ME GODDAMMIT!! Grrr... sure, a little attention is good, but forel they just stare, sometimes blankly and always very conspicuously. Wow... it annoys me so much =P

Hm, I guess that's it... I'm still mad about needing to stay here another week but I can deal, because [duh] I always do. I miss you guys but at least you know I'll finally be home... in a week =P

reading: a prayer for owen meany by john irving - A really really really good book, even though it's really long and might be a little "explicit" and sounds philosophical at times... I don't guarantee you'll like it, but I did =P

spinnin: [[never leave]] ~lumidee