

Winter break... oh man.. you have NO idea how much I need this. Really. I'm sure everyone else loves to be off as well, but you have NO idea what this is for me. I'm SO sick it's ridiculous. I can't last more than 10 minutes without a cough drop. I can't do anything. If I had had practice today, I would have been on the ground dying. If school was actually hard today, I would have failed any/all quizzes and assignments. If people weren't all cheerful and nice, I would have been lashing out at everyone.

SO THANK YOU. Especially all those people that said "awww I hope you feel better" because even though it seems like a small gesture... it's better than no sympathy whatsoever.

I have a game tomorrow. It should be cool, we're performing during the varsity b-ball team's halftime. Come watch if you can =D the game starts at 6:30 I think?

Happy winter break, everyone.


This is how my mind should be: lalalalalla... food... lalallaa.. zzz... lalallala... javy...lalallaaa...oohh shiny!

This is how my mind is right now: LK@&TY$FUT^(*&#@%JAVY&%@^#$HYGDS*T@!!!!!!

I'm sick again. I feel like crap. I strained my right hamstring for the 2nd time this month. My hip clicks when I do fan kicks.

Save me...



Just an overall crappy day today. I have to do this essay (which I only have the introduction done as of right now...) plus nothing GOOD happened today and I got fuckin cut from my kick dance.

What the hell? I didn't even have an alternate.

But wait-- I did, but my coach couldn't get the message across to my captains that another girl was supposed to be switching with me. So, I had no idea. Until the last time we did the dance full-out. And of course, I had to pick the second to last time to do CRAPPILY because I was tired and my new shoes didn't fit me.

So it's my own fault. And I'm mad at myself. And therefore, I'm mad at the rest of the world.

So, deal with my bitchiness.



The world is so depressing. I read that TIME article.. bout the kindergarteners throwing tantrums n swearin at teachers and throwing stuff at their classmates. What the hell? How many thousands of years of human civilization have gone by, just for us to end up with FIVE YEAR OLDS with the most violence tendencies? We've been watching the horrible habits of [what USED to be only] teenagers creep earlier and earlier into kids' lives... what is going on with our world? Does nobody notice how freaking DEPRESSING this is?? 6 years ago, the most drama you had in third grade was what kind of MILK you were getting for lunch. Now we see sluts developing in 5th grade and kindergarteners swearing?

I want to know who got the idea into kids' minds that being BAD is cool... you figure in high school, that when those jerks graduate and go into the real world they'll figure out how lame they are. But when it starts in grade school.. what the fuck are you supposed to do? It just grows into this whole generation of MORONS who don't realize how insignificant and ignorant they are, and won't find out for at least another 4 years. And according to my sister, college doesn't really cure all of them either. You really gotta wonder when people are going to figure out that there's more of a world out there. THINK ABOUT IT.

On kind of [but not really] related note: I'm sick and tired of how work-oriented we are. This is truly the paradox of our time. Think about how many people rush around to go to their 9-5 jobs every single day so they can support their family. Then think about how much this could be changed if those fucking power-hungry, greedy bastards on top could learn to live a normal life and give the rest of the world a break. What the hell. We are being forced onto a treadmill of work and toil while the people keep turning up the speed. It's like how meat packing factories used to treat their workers-- they would force all the laborers to speed up and work at unhumanly speeds to increase production, even though it permanently damaged most of them. Once a "batch" of workers were unfit to work... they just took on the next group who was "fresh" and willing to work for even LOWER wages. This is what is happening to us. We are being driven to NO END and for what purposes? The greater gain of companies who really only serve as "golden bathtubs" for the world.

ARGH. So much rantiness!! But that's just it... if we could all just take some time to SLOW DOWN. Enjoy the fact that our life spans have lengthened. Realize that all schooling does NOT need to be crammed into the first 23 years of our lives. Realize that there IS more to life than money, prosperity, renown. Accept that some people do what they want because it makes them happy. Slow down, chill, and BREATHE. That's what our world needs.

A frickin respirator.