
"you guys, what time is it?" -9:19- "oh okay i have to go to the bathroom..."

That's a direct quote from Anne... you can draw your own conclusions from the text. Anyway, I'd like to clarify (to anyone who thought the same thing as matt did), that in my last blog entry, the psycho guy writing sorry poems (andy, a friend of a friend of a friend... why does he talk to me? not quite sure..) is NOT my boyfriend! Er, and if you didn't understand that last sentence, forget it =P Yeah really I'm not quite sure why I put that thought in that paragraph because none of it's related at all.

I guess you guys might be wondering why I bitched till hell froze over yesterday... it was kind of chain-reactional. It was just a ton of little stuff that built up until my away message read "DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE". But honestly it doesn't have anything to do with the tryouts... it wasn't until today that I found out an eighth grader from another middle school made the Varsity squad-- that kind of ticked me off, until I remembered how badly I did my triple on Wednesday =P and then I just realized I didn't care. Anyway, I really don't mind not being on Varsity.. I'm going out for JV captain next year anyway. But just believe me, it wasn't that at all.

Basically it started because I was in constant severe pain yesterday... it hurt like -censor-. Whoa guys, check it out I censored it! lol. Anyway, then I had a reaaaaallly ridiculously crappy day.. and then I realized that I had shitloads of homework to do. And no one was online to talk to and for some reason the whole situation just feels worse when you can't bitch to anyone about it. ::glares at peter:: jpjp! lol. eRr anyway it just got worse and then etc etc so basically: I HAD A BAD DAY OK?? DEAL WITH IT =D

Hm what else? I need new pointe shoes. I think I'll make my sister take me to buy some tomorrow, because my current ones bend in a perfect L without you having to apply much pressure. Er, that's not supposed to happen =P sOo yeah I need new ones. I guess I should go sleep now because I'm tired ... and I need sleep... and I'm tired... and I don't have AD-- WOAH, bUTTERFLIES!!!! ...