
i have the weirdest feeling right now...

I don't know what it is-- I'm not tired. I'm not sore. I'm not pissed. I'm not sad. I'm not rushed. I don't want to kill anything (okay I always do but not very strongly right now...) What is it?? It's so weird... oh wait... I think I remember.. it's called... relaxed??? ("What, Bettina? You're relaxed? Never....") Really, I am!! In fact.. I think I had a ::gasp:: GOOD DAY!! (applause). Let's see... not a lot of homework today (just working on Sludge), I burned some cd's for people, I talked to my sister a little bit, I went to a band concert... Nothing in that list would require me to be upset. I'm amazed, really, I am!!

let's rewind...

Okay sorry I just had to comment on today because it was so surprisingly pleasant. However... yesterday was another story. I hate Wednesday dance class. It's 3 hours and it seems like a waste of time. However, I had to go yesterday because I've missed the last 6 weeks or so and I need to learn the dance before the recital (which is a week away-- ::gasp::) I got it down though... Anyway, so I had pointe but I wasn't wearing tights because usually I don't need them. But-- I got a new pair of pointe shoes and they were not broken in at all. So, to make it fast for yaz, I have a big hole on the side of each foot (actually it's a hole on the left side, the right one's blister hasn't popped.. yet). So it hurts. But not bad enough to ruin my not-bad day. Woohoo! =P

spinnin': one day -simple plan-