

Do you know how many things I am incapable of without an internet connection? The list is quite sad... let's start with:

+ talk to ANYONE outside the chicagoland area
+ plan with my suitemates about TAF
+ check the weather (specifically in my town, and hour by hour)
+ check movie listings (without having to listen to 20 minutes worth of mr. moviefone)
+ look up song lyrics
+ download songs (though kazaa is illegal now, right?)
+ find a new download client... =D
+ pointlessly create websites/profiles
+ annoy the shit out of billions of people on my buddy list (though I can still annoy others...)
+ demonstrate my trait of becoming very amused very easily (oh wait, but that exudes from me all the time... duh.)
+ completely ignore the phone when needing to communicate with people
+ have long, "deep", "touching" conversations with all my friends... ::snicker::
+ waste hours on end in front of the computer...

Oh wait! I have Diablo II... nevermind. Cross off the last one. But everything else is truuuue!! Oh yeah, I definitely started Diablo again. While staring at my computer and contemplating what a useless piece of crap it is when I don't have the internet, I realized that I always have beating-the-shit-out-of-evil-undead-demons as an option =) Yeah, but seriously, people who diss on people who are online a lot have issues!! (That sentence made very little grammatical sense.) Really, if you can't go out or anything for a couple hours, what else are you gonna do? Watch TV? Which is more productive, watching TV or being online? Now I'm just babbling ... anyway...

I don't have a connection now, I'm just borrowing an old account from my uncle's AOL. If you don't understand that, then don't try, because AOL sucks and makes no sense. Anyway hopefully we'll have some DSL by the time I get home from TAF... yes.. that would be a good thing. Oh, and you know what else?? Our airconditioning is BROKEN!!! I think I might just melt... or something. It's so hot =( even at night. It's very annoying, and now I don't really want to be in my room anymore. But I have a bunch of stuff I have to do online first so... rawrr... And packing, TAF in two days =) Oh, and a random thought

remember this?.... =D

Put tha caddy up, start the three wheel benz //
// hyper white lights, ultraviolet lenz
suma tuma tires and they gotta be run flat //
// TV where the horn go, boy can you top that??
I'mma show you some shit when you press that button //
// the truck went eh-eh, and alluva sudden,
fo' fifteens din't see no wires, n then I heard BOOM from the amplifiyerz... //