
some revelations

My last post was very.. strange. But very much me. And in the middle, a random spurt of mental turmoil that somehow made it onto my blog. Hm, doesn't happen usually, cuz that's all bey0nd, right? =P

Also: random acts of kindness make my day. and make for good stories =D Like today, I was walking down the hallway and I accidentally stepped on a piece of paper but didn't really notice/register it. A kid walking like 20 feet behind me picks it up and runs down the hall after me-- "Hey, I think you dropped this paper back there." So I say.. "Oh no, sorry, it's not mine, I just.. stepped on it." -_-' and he responds sarcastically "Awww man, I tryyy to do somethin nice, and--" haha.. so I laughed apologized again and it was great. Just because it was nice of him, and I didn't even know him, and it was the first real RAoK I've had at my school so far. So, good story, huh?

Another: tans are just good. Well, good for me. I hate the girls or guys that are like bleached blonde and have [usually fake] orange tans... it just doesn't look right. (I could keep ranting about them, but I won't) But personally, I think I look better tan than I do pale (Though according to SOME people, I am always pale.) Which isn't true. But anyway. It's a revelation, so there.

Ironically: I don't blog as often when I have school as I do when I'm on vacation. Yet, when I blog when there's school, I blog late at night while I still have homework to do. The preceding holds true today as well.

Lastly: not a revelation, just a universal truth. I am in a world of pain. Did I mention how I clocked myself right on the eyebrow with a pickleball racket?? [they're made of wood.. heavy wood.] It hurt so much my eye started watering. So now I have this bruise on my head, and it hurts when I raise my eyebrow. In addition to that (yeah, it gets better) my coach thinks it'd be good if we ended our dance with a double turn into the middle splits-- then fall from the middle splits forward onto our stomachs. Oh yeah, great ending. TOO BAD IT HURTS LIKE A MOTHER. So yeah, I just put that IcyHot stuff on every square inch of my legs. I could keep going but I think I bitch enough about pain to last everyone a lifetime.

So, happy back to school, huh?