
stalk me from afar

Thu 3.18: Grocery shopping. Paper-writing. Bag packing. ... Sleeping.
Fri 3.19: School. Home for 20 minutes, changing, eating. Back to school. Bus to Charleston, IL, 3 hrs. Pizza Hut. Night at Days Inn.
Sat 3.20: IHSA JV Drill Team Finals @ Charleston High School. Pom-Dance and Kick. More food. Bus back home. 9 pm.
Sun 3.21: Die. ~> Chinese school....

Of course, somewhere in there I have to fit my Chinese school homework... but oh well.

Jieh jieh's coming home... I'll see her Sunday morning probably. Then SPRING BREAK =D AhhHhhhHhHh... But as you can see, I'm busy today and tomorrow so LEAVE ME ALONE =( Er, leave me greetings, but I can't really carry conversations. Sorry. I miss you all.

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